CTS北欧四国-挪威-瑞典-芬兰-丹麦-冰岛21天深度游-魅力北欧 人间天堂-悉尼出发含往返机票   

线路编号:L1004323 2023年5月21日出发 [ 澳大利亚 多地收客]

  • 门市价格:$ 6995
  • 出发城市:澳大利亚 出发
  • 预订须知:建议提前10
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挪威--经典“双峡湾之旅”:乘船游览世界最大的峡湾-松娜峡湾;深入哈当厄尔峡湾欣赏美景。乘坐被誉为奇迹的 “FLAMSBANA”山地火车。


打印行程 下载行程


Day 1 5月21日 悉尼--多哈 Sydney--Doha

提前4小时机场集合,乘坐国际航班前往多哈QR909  SYD/DOH 21:00/04:55+1夜宿飞机上

Assemble at the airport to fly to DOHA.

  • 用餐:早餐:敬请自理中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理
Day 2 5月22日 多哈 - 哥本哈根 晚餐特色猪排餐 Doha - Copenhagen (D)

于0455am抵达多哈后,转机QR159 DOH/COP 0850/1410前往丹麦首都哥本哈根,抵达后入住酒店,欢迎晚餐后返回酒店。

Transfer at Doha and have QR159 DOH/COP to Copenhagen. Meet tour guide at the airport and then check in the hotel. Welcome dinner is included.  

Accommodation: Scandic Sluseholmen or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:敬请自理中餐:敬请自理晚餐:含
  • 住宿:Scandic Sluseholmen或同级4星酒店
Day 3 5月23日 哥本哈根--欧登塞(早餐/午餐) Copenhagen--Odense (B/L)


After breakfast, drive to Odense, Hans Cristian Andersen’s hometown, the third largest city in Denmark and to Funen Island, the third largest island in Denmark. Odense was once the centre of the Danish clergy, and has many monasteries and churches. Many believers came here to carry out their pilgrimage. The birthplace of famous fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen, the low wooden buildings of this charming city are built in classic Danish style. Roads are paved with cobblestones, rows of colourful old houses are arranged in an orderly manner, with small white windows and high red roofs. Chimneys all around make people feel as though they are part of a fairy tale world. Visit the Hans Christian Andersen Museum to lean about the life of this renowned author. Accommodation: Milling Hotel Plazaor or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Milling Hotel Plaza或同级4星酒店
Day 4 5月24日 欧登塞--哥本哈根(早餐/午餐) Odense--Copenhagen (B/L)



【吉菲昂女神喷泉Gefion Fountain】北欧神话的女神吉菲昂,传说中西兰岛的创始人…

【阿美琳堡宫Amalienborg Slot】阿美琳堡宫建于18世纪,是丹麦女王的居所。王宫由四座一样的宫殿组成,位于一座八角形广场上,当女王身在王宫时,其在的宫殿上便会升起丹麦国旗。


Enjoy a city tour of Copenhagen. The Little Mermaid statue stands 1.5m high in Langelinie on the coastline at the northeastern end of Copenhagen. Looking out to see, you

will see the Gefion Fountain, goddess of Norse Mythology, the founder of the legendary island of Zealand. You will see the Amalienborg Palace, residence of the Queen of Denmark built in the 18th century. The Royal Palace consists of four identical palaces located on an octagonal square. When the Queen is present, the Danish flag will be raised where she is stationed.

Newport District Nyhavn -- Newport is an artificial canal dug in 1669 to funnel seawater to the city centre. Most of the houses in Newport were built over 300 years ago.

Accommodation: Scandic Sluseholmen or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Scandic Sluseholmen或同级4星酒店
Day 5 5月25日哥本哈根--哥德堡(早餐/午餐) Copenhagen--Gothenburg (B/L)


After breakfast, proceed to Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden! Gothenburg is located in the Kattegat Strait on the west coast of Sweden. It serves as the mouth of Sweden’s largest river, the Gota River. The city has a population of about 800, 000 and is a beautiful harbour city. The port of Gothenburg runs all year round and is known as “Little London.” City Hall Square is the central city square, wherein a statue of the founder of the city, King Gustav Adolf II of Sweden, stands. We will visit the Gothenburg Opera House, a dark red building that resembles a pirate ship moored in the water. We will see the Volvo Car museum, which exhibits all models from Volvo’s first OV4 produced in 1927, to the newly designed models, including Volvo’s concept cars, buses, trucks and even aircraft engines.

Accommodation: First Hotel G or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:First Hotel G或同级4星酒店
Day 6 5月26日 哥德堡--奥斯陆(早餐/午餐) Gothenburg--Oslo (B/L)

早餐后,前往挪威首都-奥斯陆,市区游览:【市政厅(外观)】 1950年为纪念奥斯陆建城900周年而建,不但是奥斯陆最有名的建筑物,也是诺贝尔和平奖颁奖之地。【阿克胡斯城堡花园Akershus Festning)】1300年设计并建造,是中世纪最具代表的建筑之一。【挪威王宫(外观)】是挪威国王办公之地,约1825开始兴建,历时23年建成。【维格朗雕塑公园Vigelang★( 入内)】挪威著名雕刻家维格朗花了半辈子的精力所留下的伟大杰作。然后入住酒店。

Proceed to Oslo, the capital of Norway. Enjoy a city tour, including the exterior of City Hall, which was built in 1950 to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the founding of Oslo. Not only is it the most famous building in Oslo, but also the place where the Nobel Peace Price is awarded. See the [Akershus Castle Garden AkershusFestning]. Designed and built in 1300, it is one of the most representative buildings in the Middle Ages. We will also see the Norwegian Palace, office of the King of Norway, built in 1825 taking around 23

years to complete, and Vigeland Sculpture Park, designed by famous Norwegian sculptor Vigeland.

Accommodation:Radisson Blu Hotel Oslo Alna or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Radisson Blu Hotel Oslo Alna 或同级4星酒店
Day 7 5月27日 奥斯陆--哈当厄尔峡湾--于尔维克峡湾小镇(早餐/午餐) Oslo--Hardanger Fjord--Ulvik Fjord Town (B/L)


After breakfast, drive to the fjord town of Ulvik. Embark on a romantic trip to the Twin Fjords. Pass by Voringfoss Falls. It is one of Norway’s most visited natural attractions. Arrive at Ulvik, a small town located at the junction of Hardangerfjord and land. The Tanger Fjord is 179km long. The fruit trees flower and are beautiful this season. Of the four fjords, this is the most gentle, with Edenic scenery.

Accommodation: Aurland Fjordhotel or similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Aurland Fjordhotel 或同级无星级酒店
Day 8 5月28日 于尔维克--松恩峡湾小镇(弗洛姆)(早餐/午餐) Ulvik--Songnefjord Town (Flam) (B/L)

酒店早餐,我们前往世界第一峡湾——【松恩峡湾Sognefjord】世界上最长的峡湾,长度180公里,平均深度600米,最深处达1200米,被联合国教科文组织评为世界自然遗产,世界文化遗产奥尔内斯木教堂就坐落在松恩峡湾岸边。始建于12世纪下半叶的奥尔内斯木造教堂,是挪威最古老的教堂。这座教堂呈黄褐色,与周围的青山绿水十分协调,搭乘【高山观光火车(★) 】,约一小时的时间将峡湾美景尽收眼底!松恩峡湾的观光据点,将海拔2米处与海拔867米的米达尔连接起来的弗洛姆。" 弗洛姆"在挪威语中是"险峻山中的小平原"。这里也和她的名称一样,民房散布在山谷间。

Following breakfast at the hotel, we’re headed to the world’s first fjord [Songnefjord], the longest fjord in the world, with a length of 180km and average depth of 600m (deepest point being 1200m). It is UNESCO natural world heritage site, with the Ornes wooden church being a world cultural heritage site. The Ornes wooden church, built in the second half of the 12th century, is the oldest church in Norway. Tan in colour, the colour is harmonious with the surrounding green mountains and waters. Take the Alpine Sightseeing Train and you will enjoy a panoramic view of the fjord in about an hour. Songnefjord Flam, a tourist base at the fjord, connects 2m above sea level with Myrdal at 867m above sea level. Flam means “precious mountain” in Norwegian. Here, houses are scattered among valleys in picturesque Norwegian style. Accommodation: Lindstrom hotelor similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Lindstrom hotel或同级无星级酒店
Day 9 5月29日 松恩峡湾--奥斯陆(早餐/午餐) Sognefjord--Oslo(B/L)


After breakfast at the hotel, abord the Fjord Cruise (~2 hours) which will bring you around the fjord, witnessing the cliffs and waterfalls on both sides of the river, watching the seabirds flying overhead in this paradise.

Accommodation:Radisson Blu Hotel Oslo Alna or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Radisson Blu Hotel Oslo Alna 或同级4星酒店
Day 10 5月30日奥斯陆--卡尔斯塔德(早餐/午餐) Oslo--Karlstad(B/L)

早餐后,参观挪威海盗船博物馆(Viking Ship Museum)坐落在奥斯陆西南郊景色秀丽的贝格半岛上。别具一格的咖啡色建筑掩映在树林中。是比格迪半岛最受欢迎的观光胜地之一,展示当年留存下来的三艘海盗船。这三艘船是过去100年间在奥斯陆峡湾附近的坟场出土的,皆为基督教尚未到此传播的九至十一世纪间,猖獗于北海和地中海的海盗所坐的船只,除海盗船外,还展示有关海盗的资料。出发前往卡尔斯塔德,沿途欣赏美丽的田园风光,抵达后小镇风光游览,美丽的维纳恩湖,游览【维纳恩湖Vanern】北欧最大的湖泊,也是欧洲第三大湖。我们在这里休息拍照活动,然后入住酒店。

Following breakfast, visit the Viking Ship Museum located on the scenic Bygdoy peninsula on the southwestern outskirts of Oslo. One of the most popular tourist attractions on the Bigdoy Peninsula, here you can see three pirate ships that were unearthed near the Oslo Fjord in the last century. These ships were used by pirates who roamed the North and Mediterranean Seas in the ninth-eleventh centuries, prior to the spread of Christianity to Norway. After this, set off to Karlstad, enjoying the idyllic scenery along the way. After arriving to Karlstad, visit the beautiful Lake Vanern, the third largest lake in Europe. Rest and chill here, take some photos, before checking into the hotel after dinner.

Accommodation: Clarion Collection Hotel Plaza or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Clarion Collection Hotel Plaza 或同级4星酒店
Day 11 5月31日 卡尔斯塔德--斯德哥尔摩(早餐/午餐/晚餐瑞典肉丸餐) Karlstad--Stockholm(B/L/D)

早餐后,出发斯德哥尔摩后开始市内游览,这座美丽的城市分布在14座岛屿和一个半岛上,70余座桥梁将这些岛屿联为一体,有“北方威尼斯”的美誉。【老城区Gamla Stan】有着700多年的历史,最早可以追溯到13世纪,有着浓重的日耳曼风格,中世纪的建筑,不规则的鹅卵石小径以及各种各样的特色小店,必定让您流连忘返。 【斯德哥尔摩皇宫 Stockholm Palace(外观)】是世界上仍在使用中最大的皇家宫殿,如今是瑞典国王办公和举行庆典的地方,在瑞典人心中的地位堪比英国白金汉宫;【瓦萨沉船纪念馆★(入内)】 陈列着一艘17世纪的瑞典皇室战舰瓦萨号,是当年最豪华的战舰,在1628年建成首航驶出港口不到2公里即沉没,损失惨重。经过了3个多世纪,这艘船在沉没了333年后的1961年才重新露出水面。

Set off for Stockholm today and enjoy a tour of this gorgeous city made up of 14 islands. Over 70 bridges connect these islands, marking this place as the “Venice of Scandinavia.” The Old Town of Gamla Stan has a history stretching over 700 years, dating back to the 13th century. This is evidence in the strong Germanic style, medieval buildings and irregular cobblestone paths that make up the aesthetic of this city. We will visit the Stokholm Palace (exterior only), the largest royal palace still in use in the world, where the King of Sweden works and holds celebrations. It is to the Swedes what Buckingham Palace is to the Brits. We will visit the inside of the Vasa Museum, which houses a 17th century royal battleship named the Vasa, the most luxurious warship of the time before it sank within 2km after its maiden voyage in 1628. The ship resurfaced in 1961, after being sunken for 333 years.

Accommodation: Quality Hotel Globe or similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:含
  • 住宿:Quality Hotel Globe 或同级4星酒店
Day 12 6月1日 斯德哥尔摩--西格图纳小镇--斯德哥尔摩(早餐) Stockholm--Sigtuna Town--Stockholm(B)

早餐后出发前往瑞典的西格图纳小镇坐落在梅拉伦湖畔,常住人口不到一万。小镇虽小却掩盖不了她上千年悠久的历史,成为瑞典最著名的古镇还因为那里蓝天白云、湖光山色、别墅奇异、风景秀丽。静坐在梅拉伦湖畔,尽情享受着这份安宁与祥和,小镇自由活动,后返回斯德哥尔摩。乘车前往瑞典西部皇后岛观光游览。从斯德哥尔摩西行半小时就到皇后岛,岛上风光旖丽,野鸭成群,宛如仙境,是瑞典皇室夏天度假的地方。Quality Hotel Globe 或同级4星酒店

After breakfast, set off for the small town of Sigtuna in Sweden, located on the shore of Lake Malaren, with a population of less than 10, 000. Despite its small size, the town boasts an impressive thousand year old history, famous for its blue sky, white clouds, lakes, mountains and villas. Enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this town, sitting on the shore of Lake Malaren, before returning to Stockholm. Head to the world’s largest IKEA store, KungensKurva in Skarholmen, south of Stockholm. Browse the IKEA, and the many other supermarkets around at your leisure.

Accommodation: Quality Hotel Globe or similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Quality Hotel Globe 或同级4星酒店
Day 13 6月2日 斯德哥尔摩(夜游轮)--赫尔辛基(早餐/晚餐游轮自助) Stockholm (night cruise)--Helsinki(B/D)

早餐后,游览【市政厅★(入内)】被尊为斯德哥尔摩的象征,花费12年建成,巨大的宴会厅“蓝厅”就是闻名遐迩的诺贝尔颁奖厅,每年的12月10日,瑞典国王和王后在这里为诺贝尔奖获得者举行盛大的颁奖和宴会。前往全球最大的宜家商店,斯德哥尔摩南部SkÖrholmen的Kungens Kurva坐落着全球最大的宜家商店,该店于1965年开业。周边还拥有众多超市和购物中心,为顾客提供更多的便利。之后前往码头搭乘豪华邮轮前往赫尔辛基。


Visit the inside of Stockholm City Hall. The “Blue Hall” is the banquet hall of the Nobel Prize ceremony. On December 10th every year, the King of Sweden celebrates and holds a banquet for the year’s Nobel laureates. Afterwards, head to Drottningholm Palace to west Sweden, situated on the island of Lovonwith breathtaking views and flocks of wild ducks. It is where the Swedish royal family holidays during the summer. Then, take a luxury cruise to Helsinki.

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:含
Day 14 6月3日 赫尔辛基(游轮早餐/午餐) Helsinki(B/L)


Let’s take a city tour, including the interior of Rock Church (Uspenski Orthodox Church). With a strong Russian architectural style, it is the largest Orthodox church in Scandinavia. Built in 1852, Helsinki Cathedral if 80m above sea level and can be seen from the urban area. It is the most popular attraction in Helsinki, capturing the essence of Finnish architectural brilliance. In the House of Lords Square, you

will see the White Church, as well as the Cabinet Building, the Presidential Palace, Supreme Court and City Hall. In the centre of the square stands a bronze statue of Alexander II, who ruled Finland during the Russian Empire.

A must for tourists visiting Finland, Sibelius Park. Built to commemorate the great Finnish museum Sibeliu, the Sibelius monument is a surreal structure made of iron pipes. See Caupadoli Square, a large open-air market by the harbour where vendors peddle local fresh produce, flowers, seafood and various Finnish delicacies.

Accommodation: Scandic Meilahti or similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Scandic Meilahti 或同级4星酒店
Day 15 6月4日 赫尔辛基--波尔沃--赫尔辛基(早餐/晚餐特色三文鱼餐) Helsinki--Porvoo--Helsinki(B/D)

早餐后,乘车前往素以 “诗人之城”著称的波尔沃。早在中世纪波尔沃就是一个重要的进口贸易中心,坐落在波尔沃河沿岸的一排排红仓房向人们展示了波尔沃的航运史,一到冬季又添了许多神奇的魅力,在积雪覆盖着的波尔沃老镇里,处处皆是美丽的木建筑,被人称为“木制建筑博物馆“,历史悠久的名胜景点,亲切随意的店铺,顶流的餐厅和诱人的咖啡馆。老市区中的尖拱顶式的大教堂建于15世纪初期,是1809年芬兰第一届议会的所有地,游览结束返回赫尔辛基。

Drive to Porvoo after breakfast, the city of poets. An important import trade centre from the early Middle Ages, Porvoo is easily identified by its magical charm and rows of red warehouses along the river. In winter, the snow-covered old town imbues a whimsical air of mystery to the whole area. Visit the Wooden Building Museum, full of historical attractions and casual shops, top-notch restaurants and coffee. The steeple-vaulted cathedral in the old urban area was built in the early 15th century and was the site of the first Finnish parliament in 1809. Return to Helsinki following the tour. Accommodation: Scandic Meilahti or similar no any rating hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:含
  • 住宿:Scandic Meilahti 或同级4星酒店
Day 16 6月5日 赫尔辛基--雷克雅未克(早餐) Helsinki--Reykjavik (B)

早上出发前往机场,乘坐飞机前往冰岛雷克雅未克,抵达后前往蓝湖温泉:冰岛一处著名的地热温泉。蓝湖由部分火山熔岩形成,水温约37-39 °C。湖水富含硅、硫等矿物质。在蓝湖泡温泉,不仅可以滋润皮肤,还能帮助治疗一些皮肤疾病。后前往市区游览:

【雷克雅未克大教堂Hallgrimskirkja】冰岛的最高建筑约73米,是雷克雅未克的地标性建筑。在大教堂前方的一座人物雕像,冰岛独立之父雷弗尔Ö西格松(Leifur Eiriksson),是美国1930年为庆祝冰岛成立1000周年赠送的。【托宁湖Tjornin Lake】是当地人最喜爱的休闲圣地,在夏季,湖面上来来往往高达40-50种水鸟。【Harpa音乐厅】2011年5月开幕,蜂巢状玻璃结构的建筑设计,宛如一个闪闪发亮的珠宝盒。2011年被纽约时报评委[全球最值得旅游的41个地方]之一。


Hotel Island 或同级4星酒店

Depart for the airport in the morning, taking a flight to Reykjavik, Iceland in the morning and heading to the Blue Lagoon, an iconic geothermal hot spring in Iceland. The Blue Lagoon is partly formed by volcanic lava, and the water temperature is around 37-39 degrees Celsius. The lake water is rich in minerals such as silicon and sulfure. Hot springs in the Blue Lagoon can not only moisturise the skin, but also help treat some skin ailments. Afterwards, proceed to the city tour and visit the Reykjavik Cathedral Hallgrimskirkja. Standing at 73 metres, it is a landmark building in Reykjavik, with the statue of Leif Erikson right in front, the father of Icelandic independence. Visit Tjornin lake, a favourite leisure spot for locals in the summer, replete with 40-50 species of waterfowl. Visit the Harpa Concert Hall, opened in May 2011, the design is of a honeycomb glass structure, like a shining jewel box, and selected by the New York Times as at Top 41 Most Worth Traveling to Place in the World in 2011. See the Sun Voyager Solfar, a dream ship, sailing to the sun, symbolising the unknown world, hope, progress and freedom. Afterwards, head to the most famous hot springs in Iceland which will relieve your fatigue to prepare yourself for the days ahead.   Accommodation:Hotel Island or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Hotel Island 或同级4星酒店
Day 17 6月6日 雷克雅未克--黄金圈—冰岛小镇(早餐/午餐) Reykjavik--Golden Circle--Iceland (B/L)

酒店早餐后,展开雷克雅未克精华景点--黄金圈之旅Golden Circle。 <冰岛古议会旧址Thingvellir>辛格维利尔国家公园,是冰岛历史上最享负盛名的圣地。2005年已被联合国教科文组织列入"世界遗产名录"。位于欧亚板块和美洲板块的交界处的断层旁边。据说欧亚板块与美洲板块现在仍以年均2厘米的速度在分离。这里有冰岛最大的天然湖--辛格瓦尔德拉湖(国会湖)。  <间歇喷泉Geysir>平静的时候,这是一个直径20米的圆池,碧绿的热水慢慢填满,地热水不断涌起,汇聚成一个蓝色的水晶球,随着加剧涌动,突然喷发出最高将近10多米的水柱,约3-5分一个周期。<黄金瀑布Gullfoss>人称瀑布“皇后”。是冰岛最大的断层瀑布,宽约2500米,其水势分为2段,总高落差70多米,气势磅礴,奔腾的河水在急泻的过程中激起漫天水雾,在阳光下形成道道彩虹,仿佛黄金般夺目,因此被称为“黄金瀑布。”后前往冰岛小镇入住休息。

Start the Golden Circle Tour, the highlight of Reykjavik. Thigvellir, the site of the ancient parliament, is now a famous national park included in the World Heritage List in 2005. Situated next to a fault at the junction of the Eurasian and American plates, it is said that these are separating at an average rate of 2cm per year. The Golden Waterfall Gullfoss is known as the “Queen” of the waterfalls. The largest fault waterfall in Iceland, with a width of about 2500m, this waterfall is known to be as dazzling as gold. Afterwards, go to Iceland town for a rest.

Accommodation:Hótel Dyrhólaey or similar B & B

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Hótel Dyrhólaey 或同级当地民宿
Day 18 6月7日 冰岛小镇-维克-雷克雅未克(早餐/午餐) Iceland Town--Vik--Reykjavik(B/L)


下午:返回雷克雅未克。在路上又会碰到许多冰岛知名的瀑布:【森林瀑布Skogarfoss】当您看到一片巨大的瀑布挂在前方绝壁上,我们就来到了森林瀑布。脚下是火山喷发遗留下的黑色沙砾,飞溅的水花有如山谷间回荡着的烟雾薄纱…到处都弥漫着大自然的清新。据说这里是最容易看到彩虹的地方。【塞里雅兰Seljalandsfoss (水帘洞瀑布)】高约50米,最大的特点是可以走到瀑布的后面,瀑布背后风蚀的一个洞穴,一个名副其实的水帘洞,人们可以置身在水帘洞里聆听水花砸落的声然后入住酒店。

Head to the small town of Vik, located at the southernmost tip of Iceland, with a population of less than 600 people! Right next to the boundless sea, the most commodity here are the black sand beaches and basalt columns. The mysterious black beach is actually a piece of granular volcanic lava. Naturally transparent, the black san exudes a shocking brilliance under the sunlight. Often compared to Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway, the stone pillars here are between 10-20cm in diameter, 1 metre in height, geometric and rigid in shape and structure. Lunch will be a simple western meal. We will return to Reykjavik in the afternoon, encountering well known Icelandic waterfalls, such as the Skogarfoss Forest Waterfall, along the way. The foot of the Skogarfoss Waterfall is black gravel left from the remains of volcanic eruption, the splashing water reverberating in the valleys. Here, witness the Seljalandsfoss Water Curtain Cave Waterfall. Around 50m high, you can walk behind the waterfall to the wind-eroded cave, listening to the lyrics of the tumbling water. Then check in the hotel.

Accommodation:Hotel Island or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:含晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Hotel Island 或同级4星酒店
Day 19 6月8日 雷克雅未克--哥本哈根(早餐) Reykjavik--Copenhagen(B)


After breakfast, depart for the airport, and take a flight to Copenhagen. Transfer to the hotel and then have free time. Accommodation:  Scandic Sluseholmen or similar 4 star hotel

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理
  • 住宿:Scandic Sluseholmen 或同级4星酒店
Day 20 6月9日 哥本哈根--多哈--悉尼 Copenhagen--Doha--Sydney

早餐后,根据航班前往机场,乘坐国际航班前往多哈 QR162 CPH/DOH 0950/1645 经由多哈转机,乘坐 QR908 DOH/SYD 2015/1710+1返回悉尼。

After breakfast, proceed to the airport to have international flight back to Sydney

  • 用餐:早餐:含中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理
Day 21 6月10日 抵达悉尼 Arrive at Sydney


  • 用餐:早餐:敬请自理中餐:敬请自理晚餐:敬请自理



境内参团: AU$6995/人(行程第2天-5月22日从哥本哈根开始, 行程第20天-6月9日哥本哈根结束,含赫尔辛基-雷克雅未克-哥本哈根机票)



- 5星航空卡塔尔航空悉尼-哥本哈根往返经济舱机票和机场税

- 赫尔辛基-雷克雅未克-哥本哈根经济舱机票

- 四星级酒店标准双人间、峡湾酒店无星级、冰岛小镇当地民宿(含早餐)17晚,1晚夜游轮甲板上2人内舱,含船上早晚餐

- 旅游巴士, 境外优秀中文导游, 全程司导小费, 每人每天一瓶水

- 景点门票:阿美琳堡宫、沃尔沃汽车博物馆、峡湾小火车+峡湾游船、岩石教堂、瓦萨沉船博物馆、市政厅、皇后岛、蓝湖温泉

- 行程中所列膳食、包含3顿特色餐、正餐12顿中餐八菜一汤与西式简餐相结合、1顿游轮晚餐

- 境外优秀中文导游,每人每天一瓶矿泉水


- 个人消费

- 旅游保险

- 个人赴目的地国旅游签证费,

- 全程司导小费AU$180/人(报名时请付清)




* 所有行程本公司保留因实际情况而作出调整之权利,将不再另行通知.因人数不足,天气因素,道路封闭及疫情原因,本公司有权在启程前或启程后取消或更改行程,也有权缩短或延长行程,并保留最终决定和解释权, 本公司保留拼团的权利,游客需听导游安排, 个人行为所引起的一起后果由游客个人负责.

*本公司对旅途中相关合作商(包括但不限于交通公司,邮轮游船,酒店,各旅游景点) 提供服务环节所产生的安全问题不承担任何责任,团友旅游安全由相关合作商直接负责.本公司提供沟通及协调的工作.为保障团友的自身及财产安全,强烈建议购买包含covid-19的旅行保险.

*如因个人原因, 罢工, 天气, 政治因素, 战争, 灾难或其它人力不可抗拒等因素引起的额外费用, 本公司不承担任何责任.

*预订确认后7天内收取$800订金, 该订金不可退还.如逾期未收到订金, 预订将被取消.


*因人数不足或其他原因团队被迫取消, 客人可以选择同产品的其他团期或者全额退回所交款项.











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支付宝支付 Alipay:按实时汇率,直接支付人民币。

微信支付 Wechat Pay:按实时汇率,直接支付人民币。

如果您是在电脑端下单,在支付步骤可以拿起手机,打开微信使用微信右上端的“扫一扫” ,识别电脑屏幕上的二维码进行支付;如果您是手机端下单并选择使用微信支付,因为微信官方对海外微信支付的技术限制,需通过以下方式:

1. 打开微信,搜索并添加我们的微信公众号【宏城旅游澳洲 】,关注成功后可以直接在微信公众号中登陆宏城旅游的微官网下单,并直接使用微信支付。

2. 如果选择使用手机浏览器登陆宏城旅游官网 www.grandcitytours.com,可以通过以下两种方式完成下单支付:






通过银行将相关款项汇至指定账户 (下单时银行汇款账号会在支付页面显示),汇款时请备注订单号,并将汇款成功截图发送到

bookings@grandcitytours.com, 以便我们尽快处理您的订单。


1. 宏城旅游官网尊重并保护用户隐私,用户信息只会用于协助用户预订旅游产品;

2. 出行前,请您确保您自身的身体状况适合参加行程;如在参团过程中因个人身体健康原因不能继续参加或耽误行程旅行社不负责任;

3. 请尊重当地的饮食习惯、习俗禁忌、宗教礼仪,遵守当地法律法规等;

4. 为了您人身财产安全,请您避免在公开场合暴露贵重物品及大量现金;

5. 您所预订的产品可能包含高危项目(如游泳、漂流、潜水、滑雪等),参与前请根据自身条件, 充分阅读和了解当地相关部门或其它专业机构的安全责任公告和安全建议后出行;

6. 宏城旅游官网产品未包含旅游保险,强烈建议您出行前自己购买旅游意外保险及其他保险,可保障您在旅行期间如果产生意外损害时能够得到紧急救援并得到相关利益保障。





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